Leverage the capability of cloud services, including Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform, to extend your research capabilities.

The cloud is a powerful resource available via the internet for compute, storage, networking, data management, and data analysis.
Cloud services are hosted by 3rd parties, and the most popular cloud providers are Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. The cloud makes scalable, on-demand compute infrstructure easily available to you.
Solutions We Offer

AWS-certified OARC experts can set up the backend of your research projects in the cloud (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure) to build flexible, responsive systems.

Oral Health Recommender System
OARC’s Research Data and Web Platforms group has engaged in a collaboration with UCLA Professor Vivek Shetty on his NIH-funded Oral Health Recommender System...

CESMII Pressure Testing
OARC’s Research Data and Web Platforms group partnered with CESMII to ensure that CESMII’s Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform (SMIP) could withstand the...