R Markdown files integrate text, Markdown, and R code into dynamic documents that weave together plain text, formatted text, and the output of the R code. The resulting dynamic reports can be produced in many formats, including HTML documents, HTML slideshows, LaTeX pdf, Beamer slideshows, MS Word doc, books, scientific articles, and websites. This seminar covers basic coding and conventions of the 3 frameworks upon which R Markdown depends: Markdown for formatting text, knitr for R code chunks, and YAML for rendering the document. The seminar does not assume any previous experience with R Markdown, but attendees who wish to participate in seminar demonstrations should come with RStudio and R Markdown installed on their computers.
Instructor: Kotrina Kajokaite
Instructions for participants:
Before beginning the seminar, please make sure you have R and R studio installed (https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/).
Please also make sure to have the following R packages installed, and if not, run these commands in R (RStudio).
install.packages("rmarkdown", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("tidyverse", dependencies=TRUE)
You will also need to have some sort of TeX distribution (e.g. MikTeX) on your computer to compile the LaTeX documents in this seminar. If you do not believe you have TeX installed, you can install a small, but sufficient version of it through R by running:
install.packages("tinytex", dependencies=TRUE)
Then you will need to run the following in RStudio to install TeX on your computer (this may take several minutes):