Christine Wells
Having worked as a statistical consultant for more than 20 years, Christine is comfortable working with a wide range of data types and statistical models. She has assisted clients with all phases of the research process, including experimental design, item development, instrument development, data collection techniques, data de-identification, data cleaning, statistical analysis, testing model assumptions, graphing raw data and results, interpretation of results, written and oral presentation of the results, and responding to comments from reviewers of peer-reviewed journals. She is comfortable working in SAS, Stata, SPSS, R, Mplus, MLwiN, HLM, SUDAAN, Wesvar, PASS, G*Power, Survey Monkey and LaTeX.
Christine's areas of particular expertise include the analysis of public-use complex survey data sets, meta-analysis, statistical disclosure control, and reading old data files into current statistical software programs.
In addition to assisting statistical consulting clients, Christine has co-authored many articles published in peer-reviewed journals and given numerous presentations at various statistical meetings.
Areas of Expertise
Yang, Hong-Ho, Tara J. Wu, Alice C. Yu, Christine R. Wells, Greg Orshansky, and Jivianne T. Lee. “Predictors of Death, Survival, Need for Intubation, and Need for Oxygen Support Among Admitted COVID-19 Patients of the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System,” Military Medicine. February 3 2022.
McCormick, Justin P, Jeffrey D. Suh, Jivianne T. Lee, Christine R. Wells, Marilene B. Wang. "Role of High-risk HPV Detected by PCR in Malignant Sinonasal Inverted Papilloma: A Meta-analysis," The Laryngoscope, July 7 2021.
Christine R. Wells. "Book Review of SAS for Mixed Models: Introduction and Basic Applications," The American Statistician, Volume 75, Issue 2.
Christine R. Wells. "Review of Psychological Statistics and Psychometrics Using Stata," The Stata Journal. Volume 21, Number 1.
Choi, Kristen R., Kathryn Hughesdon, Laura Britton, Laura Kinko, Christine R. Wells, Nicholas Giordano, Linda Sarna, MarySue V. Heilemann. "Interpersonal trauma in the lives of nurses and perceptions of nursing work," Western Journal of Nursing Research, 2021.
Wu, Tara J., Angela Chen, Christine R. Wells, Anthony P. Heaney, Marvin Bergsneider, Marilene B. Wang. "Sinonasal quality of life outcomes after endoscopic endonasal transphenoidal surgery with posterior septum free mucosal graft reconstruction," Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base, 2020.
Vengerovish, Gennadiy, Ki Wan Park, Layla Antoury, Christine R. Wells, Jeffrey D. Suh, Jivianne T. Lee, Anthony P. Heaney, Marvin Bergsneider, and Marilene B. Wang. "Readmissions after Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery: Associated Risk Factors and Prevention," International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, 10(1). 2020.
McCormick, Justin P., Jeffrey D. Suh, Jivianne T. Lee, Christine R. Wells, Marilene B. Wang. "Role of High-risk HPV Detected by PCR in Malignant Sinonasal Inverted Papilloma: A Meta-analysis," The Laryngoscope. 2021.